Isafjordhur, Iceland

July 25, 2010


After cruising all night in dense fog, the captain announced that we would be arriving in Isafjodhur on schedule and that the weather would be fine.  He was right on both counts, the weather improved nicely and we were on time.  We docked in an industrial area on the outskirts of town at about 11:00AM.
After an early lunch and quick nap, we debarked for the short walk into town.  Isafjordhur is a small town with an economy based on fishing.  The town was very clean and a lot of the businesses stayed open for us - even though it was a Sunday.  We walked around and Adele checked out a couple of souvenir stores while I snapped a few pictures.  Even though the town was neat and clean, it was certainly not picturesque.  The architecture was certainly in the "Arctic Spartan" style with brightly colored and boxy buildings that seemed to be waiting for the Arctic winter to hit them.
Our last stop was a grocery store where we stocked up on some bottled water, cookies, and a few other goodies.


Isafjordhur Photos